
Nicholas finished treatment on 11/18/2010. He will continue to go for blood work for the next 3 years. He is still in remission.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Cycle starts

It has been a fun and eventful week. I will start with the fact that Nick's counts were great yesterday so he started his new cycle of medicine. He really took having to have the port accessed and the shot in the leg well. Some screaming and kicking but minor relative to other times. We had a follow up with Radiation and all seems positive, but really not much is to be understood about side effects yet.
Last week Nick went to school, went to his cousins house, got a visit from Mauri and Gene, and another from Auntie Lisa and Uncle Hector and finally went to Nana and Papa's house. Colby started Karate and although we were touch and go for a little while Coach Jill turned the tide and Colby ended up having a great time. We expect Nick to go to school again this week, but you never know. We are getting ready for the storm we call "Steroid Nick". It is a very challenging week when he is on the steroids, but what are we to do. Karen and I are gaining a better understanding of how it affects Nick emotionally. We are learning a little patience can go a long way although sometimes we feel like running away. Karen has really been "Super Mom" lately. She is trying to plan us a trip to Camp Sunshine in Sebago Lake Maine. We had never heard of this before Donna at Clinic gave me the pamphlet. This of course required a long list of things to be done and of course adding to everything else, Karen somehow gets it done. It is hard to feel as though you are a good enough contributor when Karen is on your team!! She is our All Star and god knows what we would do with out her. I know I am kissing butt!! It is the truth. Hopefully this cycle will go as well as the last. Your prayers have trully been felt by all of us. Talk to you all soon....
The Shannon's


The Love Family said...

Hey Nick,
We were so happy to have you over last week. Joey and Megan always enjoy playing with you and Colby. Hope things go well this week, and you don't drive your parents crazy....You can come back over to our house anytime. Love Joey, Megan and Kendra

Jean said...

Just remember there is always a calm after the storm (steroid storm in your case). Keep remembering they are making him better. Rusty and Molly Marie are off to the doctors today, lets hope they are good as Nick is. Karen must have a lot of "Roy" in her, endless energy, at least until you get in your 50s... so take advantage of it now. Saying our daily prayers for you guys. Love Jean and Dave

The Wykoff Family said...

Nicholas, We can't wait for school to end so we can come visit you. So take yours meds and get strong so we can play. When you are all done with everything we want you to come to North Carolina. While you are watching the snow fall, know it is 60 degrees here. We love you,
Justin, Luke and Kaitlyn