
Nicholas finished treatment on 11/18/2010. He will continue to go for blood work for the next 3 years. He is still in remission.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Shannon Family-- Surprised us with a Fever

As you know from previous blog, Nick had a good week. Eventhough he was tired he was still happy. We noticed him looking a little pale last night and kept taking his temperature. It seemed to be creeping up, but then he fell asleep and everything was okay. He woke up with a stomach ach last night, that carried into the morning. I took him temp. this morning and he had spiked to 100.4, which for Nick, is a high temp. and requires admittance to the hospital. He cried that he did not want to go, but I bought him the new Madagascar 2 movie today and convinced him he could watch it at clinic. See, the positive thing about spiking a fever during the day is that we can go to clinic and avoid the ER. Since clinic is open, we walk in and they accessed his port and drew blood right away for his counts. The counts were low (they call it neutropenic) and he was admitted this afternoon. He is having a blood transfusion and will hopefully get a good night sleep. We are hoping to be here for only a couple of days, but his counts will tell us when he is ready to go home. He has become more accepting to the 5th floor of the hospital, which makes it easier on all of us. It was good to have nana babysitting today, so she could take care of Thomas, while I took Nick in. We try not to schedule events too far in advance because we never know when something like this will happen. Of course, today and this weekend we had planned many activities.... and Nick was sad he could not have his playdate with Michael. We know he will be out of here soon and back to himself again. We have a free week of no chemo.... just the shot.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back to our normal self

Well, Nick is finally coming back to being his normal cheery self. We were not sure if his depressed behavior was all from the Steroids or a combination of steroids and chemo or if the side effects of radiation were starting to kick in. It looks like it was one of the first two. This week at clinic Nick allowed them to take blood from his arm and they were succesful on the first try. He then got another shot and handled it O.K. Nick came with me to work today. It wasn't that much fun I ran around trying to meet with people before we left to come back home. Nick was a trooper and was very patient and quiet. Nick will not be going to school this week as they are taking a field trip to McDonald's. We don't go there anymore, couldn't imagine what is lurking in that play place. Tom had a cold late last week into the weekend and it was a chore to keep Nick away. Looks like we might have dodged that one. Our heightened attention to sickness really makes you aware of all the people sniffling and sneezing in the world. Something I never paid that much attention to before. It is kind of like when you buy a car and then realize the other million of them on the road. Keep up the prayers, we feel them every day. Thank You!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Shannon Family -- Another Emotion Found

We weathered the steroid storm this week and just when you think you are ready for it, everything changed. Nick was not his 'usual' self but very tired and very sad all week. He went to school on Thursday and Miss Michele said he seemed tired that day to. He has been hanging on the couch all week and just eating and sleeping. It was almost like he was depressed, which I am sure is only temporarily, while on these steroids. I do not know which is better.... his quiet and calmness or his cranky, moody self on these roids. Either way, we really feel helpless during this week and all we can do is just be with him and hold him. People tell us that kids 'bounce back fast' and today he seems to be doing better. He woke up singing to Tom and actually smiling and laughing out loud. Tom is such a wonderful baby and I believe he can make anyone smile.... Nick also loves being with Tom and playing with him. I wish I could say the same thing about Colby, but sometimes Nick is very adverse to him. I heard, when on steroids, sometimes that person will reject the one they love most, which is Colby. With our whole treatment process, there are goods and bad days, so we take it one day at a time. I know in the next day or two Nick and Colby will be best buddies again and having fun together... playing Star Wars.

Oh, I forgot to mention that last week Nick received his first gift from his chemo angel. He was excited. The chemo angel program is a non-profit organization for kids with cancer. People volunteer to become a child's angel during his treatment. I filled out the survey and listed all the funs things that Nick likes and the organization assigned him an angel. He loved the spongebob calendar and stickers along with the Scooby-doo book. Colby was signed up for the Supersibs group. This is an online website for siblings with cancer and he also received a gift from them. Colby was very proud to be part of this group.